I had no idea that I had so much yarn!
A piece of my living room yarn fest :)
My husband came home early that day! and caught me in the act..... you should have seen his face.... :oD and he said something like: WOW! You were really serious about weighing it all.... really surprised ha ha ha :oD
I`m not sure though what surprised him the most? Me trying to get a grip of my yarn addiction by getting aware of how mush yarn I`ve got, or if he was amazed by me actually doing the tidying, weighing thing I had been talking about, or if it was the scene of all the yarn all over the living room floor :oD .......
I did not know I had 28 skeins of Mandarin Petit! And I who prefer to knit with wool!
Remember these? They are toe-up sock from attending a knit-cafe,
but I kept on getting so many wholes on the toe-tip..... I frogged them!
I`ve got 5 skeins with this brown one and 3 creme skeins,
they will be enough for a baby set or something small .....
Who knew I had more than 40 skeins of Lanett? Or more than 70 skeins of Sisu?
And I`ve got more than 40 skeins of Dale baby wool....
All in all my Yarn stash counts more than 29970 grams......
I know I have a bag with yarn for doll clothes and fabric to match...
And I haven`t weight my thin crochet yarn......
What about all the unfinished garments? Well....
I found a Green cardigan.....
If I`m in luck this might fit my youngest!
It`s a top-down knit and needs arms and the body, buttons and that....
A Blue cardigan, all done, just need to sew the cutting line in the front etc., buttons...
Pulsvarmere, all done!
Just need to sew-in the treads, and make a small pouch of the smallest one...
My Nøstebarn Yarn Shawl.
This is a WISP! I knit on it in between other projects, maybe I`ll finish this year?
The toe-up socks; I frogged them, will use the yarn for another project.
Baby armless overall, just got the crochet edge round the top, buttons, sew in loose ends.
And I have got 2 cardigans that Grandmother made for me, left is sew in buttons,
and sew the knitted band over the raw edge on the inside!
I guess I can manage to finish all of these throughout the year..... don`t you?
So when I was done with the yarn, I carried them down stairs and kind of ! left them on the side...over there... in a corner... blocking a door! Not a good idea.......
On the Wednesday (the 12th) I had a clean out in the sewing room too.
It took me almost 7 hours!
My motivator you ask? for taking on this huge job? Cousin Tina and her children were arriving on the Friday to spend the weekend with me and my children :)
All the best hk :)
Very satisfied by a job well done :oD
Still reading? Thank you so much and have the best day :)
Otroligt vilket arbete du har lagt ner! Härligt när det är klart och ha det mer överskådligt... kanske jag kan få till nåt likande hos mig...
SvarSlettTack för inspirationen!
Ha, ha! Høres kjent ut! Imponerende innsats. Jeg holder på å bytte arbeidsrom her hjemme, og da blir det en skikkelig gjennomgang av både garn og stoff. Men jeg vet ikke om jeg tør å veie...
SvarSlettVet for øvrig ikke om noe strikke-tv - kanskje det er verd å lete etter?
Ja ha - 30 kilo garn, det høres mye ut.
SvarSlettSå da venter vi bare på at du veier alle stoffene dine også. Jeg har begynt å spekulere på å tømme syrommet slik at vi kan bruke det som kjøkken mens vi pusser opp i hovedetasjen - vet ikke om jeg tør la noen se hvor mye jeg har der nede nei.
Hørte rykter om det der ja - får mitt lager til å se fryktelig puslete ut :)
SvarSlettGodt at mitt lager ikke er så stort!
SvarSlettmen tørr ikke veie det for det!
Ønsker deg en fin helg, når den kommer!
Imponerende - jeg gjorde noe lignende for et par år siden - uten å veie - min løsning ble:
SvarSlettlegge tl side finullgarn, babygarn og mandarin petit, resten ble via Mamma gitt til Sanitetsforeningens arbeidsgruppe - de ble kjempeglade for "ordentli garn". Min samvittighet ble bedre, men jeg har allerede fylt opp ei hel kleskurv igjen:-)
Gjett om jeg kjenner igjen dette. Jeg har nok ikke fullt så mye garn som deg, men den evnen til å bare dø fra noen prosjekter og starte på nye. Det er godt p rydde iblandt. jeg øver meg stadig på å "slappe av" med ett prosjekt av gangen :-)
SvarSlettOMG - I thought I had a fabric problem! LOL
SvarSlettYou have so much yarn - good luck on knitting up lots of it in 2011 ;-)