29. januar 2010

Still, still handquilting.....

Have you ever started something, and when you think you`re finished your not! Well, I thought I was done last night.....but then when I had a good look at it I decided to quilt some more... But it looks good though... :o)

I`m quilting in the triangle borders around the middle piece.

I also think I`ll need to have some stitches around the "star" too, to make it show better. It kind of vanished in all my quilting.....hi  hi    hi.... yay!

What do you think?    Please let me know.... :o)


25. januar 2010

Still handquilting

I`m still handquilting in the middle, slowly but I`m getting there...


23. januar 2010

The binding is done!

The binding and pocket row on my Japanese inspiration is done.
Now i can enjoy to hand quilt the rest of the weekend....... yes  :o)

Me sewing the binding

Pocket row

Pocket row and binding is done....


21. januar 2010

Blue babyjacket and hat

I made this set a while ago, but it got "stuck" at the bottom of my "to do" basket...... The recipient is now to old, but mayby the set will have a new owner in the future.... I can only hope..... It will be put in the gift box for later.

The hat was done, it just had a few loose ends..... The jacket had also loos ends,

holes under the arms

 and needed 3 buttons.

It took about 1 hour to do....... well its finished now.......


Knits and mending!

My quilting and blogging friend Bodil have knitted a beautiful pair of woll socks. I have been mending my youngest sons socks. My mother knitted them and lucky me get to mend them :o)

 But I have bought yarn for knitting myself a new pair of the ones that I gave to my daughter, they were just to small for me...... typical.....


My pink cables are done

3 skeins of this.

This is all that was left.

My scarf measures 67,5 inches / 159cm long.

I am adding this to my OPAM finishes since I discovered that other soft crafts like knitting is allowed (guideline nr 7) ..... I really like being a part of the OPAM challenge, I get so much wip`s done! And I have A LOT of them....almost finished.......


19. januar 2010

Pink Cables

 57inches, 145cm cables, yummy pink cables...............

Some days I need to do something "brainless", you know watch tv and knit at the same time. I`v got one of those days today. The yarn is Sublime (baby cashmere merino silk dk, 116m/127yards). I love this yarn, I juse nr 4  needles. It`s growing fast, Yes that is the best part. I have enough for a hat too.............


The binding

This is what 168" or 426 cm of binding can look like!

Corners, pinned on binding and sewing in the dark! My light in the sewing room is not good!

The binding is on.... Yes Yes

Now I can enjoy stitching the binding and pocket row on by hand on the back.....


18. januar 2010

Focus project for the comming week

I now need to make some stitches on "The Wish quilt".

I have got two done and......

two well started on.
So I`d like to finish these two this week, and then spend some time on this one, it may be a finish for february.....

This is called Japanese inspiration. I`ts from a class with Bente Tufte in fall 2007. The original model had four stars with applique and the small square framing  (like a window!), but I wanted something smaller... this is about 33" x 33"...not small at all........ It is almost done hand quilted  (the middle is left!). So i need binding and pocket row on the back, then finish quilting in the middle....... hopefully I`ll be done by the end of February....


17. januar 2010

One more finish

I have finished my Butterfly Bouquet by Leanne`s House. I spent all day on this, in between being home alone with my three children......never a dull moment....ha ha ha

I started working on the Butterfly Bouquet  26 september 09, when Leanne Beasley and Gail Pan were at Quiltegården and gave classes. I was done with the stitchery 21 November 09, and the rest I did today.

The white paper on the back is a warning form IKEA that the glass without the frame is sharp..... i did not manage to pull it off without make a horrible mark.....


16. januar 2010

My first finish

Min første OPAM er ferdig. Det var mer arbeid på navnelappen enn jeg hadde trodd! Først byttet jeg ut stoffene til noen jeg liker godt. Skrev navnet mitt i flere sirkler...... Navnet stitchet jeg og laget sirkel, sydde sirkelen på blomsten med knapphullsting og etterpå sydde jeg blomstens framside og bakside sammen med knapphullsting. Sydde også fast sikkerhetsnål på baksiden. Ferdig!

 My name tag is done. Hurray, yes! yes!

 This little thing, was more work then I thought i would be......

First I wrote my name several times in a sirkel, then i found new fabric and thread.

I stitched my name and made a circel, then I pined the circle on to the front flower.

After sewing the circle on to the front flower with buttenhole stitches, I pined the back onto the front and sewn around with more buttonhole stitches. Then a few stitches and the saftypin was attached at the back.
Now it`s ready to wear at the class I`ll attend and the quilt guild meeting next month.


15. januar 2010

My OPAM nr 1 is comming along....

I`m working on my name tag this evening, and it`s coming along nicely.


14. januar 2010

Bowling og strikking

Jatakk! begge deler.... Jeg er litt sånn Ole Brumm type.... vil så gjerne flere ting på en gang. Jeg bowler, dvs jeg begynte å bowle da jeg flyttet opp hit til Trondheim over 14 år siden. Men så kom ungene......og mammapermisjonen varte vel i ca 8år..... I høst begynte jeg å trene litt med damene igjen, takket være en skjønn barnevakt som stepper inn.....   Så nå er jeg på bowling trening nesten hver Onsdag på åpen bowlingtrening, med trenere og mange kjempe flotte damer som har det gøy sammen.
Vi holder til på Dora bowling og biljard, mellom ca. kl 19.30-22.
Min kjære mann er en av trenerne, så jeg er gjerne ferdig før ham...... så hva er vel bedre enn å kose seg med  sjokolade og strikketøyet mens jeg venter...?   ha ha ha

Yes,  I`ll have both thanks! I am a little like Winnie the Pooh, I want to do several things at the same time. I bowl, I started when I moved up to Trondheim more than 14 years ago, then came the kids... my maternity leave lasted for 8 years.....Last fall i started up again, thanks to a wonderful babysitter. Now I`m bowling almost every Wednesday at an open training for women , with trainers and lovely ladies who has fun together. My husband are one of the trainers so I may finish first and what is better than chocolate and knitting while I`m waiting..?



Jeg har gjort dette i dag! Ikke enkelt å ta et selvprotrett..... men jeg ville ha et bilde av meg over profilen.......så da ble det sånn....... Tok mange og tok dem bort igjen.... beholdt noen få.......

I have been doing this today! Not easy to take a self portrait....... but i wanted to have photo of me on the sidebar...... I took many and deleted almost everyone, but kept a few.....


13. januar 2010

Enjoying the moment.....

Tidlig Tirsdags morgen, ca 15minutter før jeg vekket resten av familien. En kopp te og to runder på strikketøyet...... Jeg nøt øyeblikket, ja jeg gjorde det......

Early Tuesday morning, about 15 minutes before I woke up the rest of the family. A cup the and two rows of knitting....... Enjoying the moment, yes I did.......


Mr Frost

Vi har et alldeles nydelig vær ute. Det er mer enn 13 kalde, men absolutt nydelig, frosten ligger på alle overflater, grener og strå.

We have an absolutely beautiful weather. It is more than 13 below, but absolutely beautiful. The frost covers everything, All surfaces, branches  and straws.


11. januar 2010

Focus projects this week

The quiltguild nametag will be my first focus. My goal is to finish this one so I`m able to wear it at the guildmeeting at 3 february.

The second is sewing the last border onto Butterfly Bouquet by Leanne Beasley and frame it.

And then a WISP. The Wish quilt by Bronwyn Hayes, I started on it at a class Quiltegårdens Sølvi Eriksen gave about okt/nov 2008. It is a lot of work, so if I manage to finish the top before summer, I might get to handquilt it in the summerholidays. My main goal is to finish it and have it on my wall at Christmas 2010. Do I hear a tread a day Hanne...  :o)


Aron vest til lillebror

At lillebror var interessert i mammas strikking var jeg ikke klar over. Men når jeg strikket julegaver i fjor (allerede!) endte det opp med å bli 4 pannebånd: 1 til niesen, dobbel rosa sisu, med fletting (Drops Design), 1 til nevø, grått ullgarn, 2rette og 2vrang, fikk eldstemann til å prøve dette og da skulle lillebror også. Han ville ha blått og storebror ville ha stripete, så det ble det.

Så nå er lillebror opptatt av at mamma strikker til noen..... er det til meg mamma? ja?
Så da jeg fant mønsteret til denne vesten ble gutten hoppende glad og ropte: til meg...til meg ...hurra! Det er mammas god gutt!

Garnet heter Sandnes mini Duett, 55% bomull, 45% merinoull. Strikkes på pinne 2.5 - 3. Har ikke strikket med dette garnet før, litt tynt, men det går greit. Synes gjerne at bommullsgarn blir litt "flatt" og ikke er like elastisk som ullgarn.
Aran flettingen går lett å huske, selv om jeg surrer litt og strikker feil, det viser fort igjen......
La opp 30 des 09 og nå er jeg kommet så langt.
