12. september 2010

Early Bird challange for September.

The Early Bird Challenge for September has a "Outdoor" theme.

I`ve knitted a seat pad/base (to sit on!), well I don`t know what a sitteunderlag is in english....

I have tried a new yarn (to me!), Lètt-Lopi, it`s made in Island.
A bit stiff to knit with, but still very beautiful and comfortable result.

How: I did a 85 loop cast on, circular pin 7.
I knitted 15 stripes, 10 row of each color, all together 150 rows.
It measured 59cm width x 55cm long.
I gave it a wash on wool program 40warm, and it grew! to 63cm x 57cm!
Then I tried again this time main program, short 60warm: now it is 44cm x 43cm.

I love it and I will absolutely try this again :)

All the best 

5 kommentarer:

  1. Så fint sitteunderlag. Lett lopi er et flott islandsk garn, og egner seg nok kjempegodt til toving.
    Ja, jeg så dinosauren i innlegget under:-) det virker som om sånne har både føtter og vinger som de forflytter seg med:-)))
    Ha en god søndag videre og en flott ny kreativ uke:-)

  2. Fint! Liker sånn tovete saker.. ;o))

  3. Fort og greit med sånne ting - og så praktisk i tillegg, hva mer kan vi ønske?

  4. Hello, it's a rug. It's lovely! another great idea!

  5. What a lovely idea for our Early Bird September Challenge. So nice and warm on a cold seat in the park....well done!
    Kind Regards
