This is me, doing something I have never done before! I desided I just had to take a plunge and just do it! So I brought Traveling Woman shawls 1 and 2 downstairs and gave them a wash before trying to block them.... Number 1 had a big bleed, tried to take photos of the wash-water, but the photo is not violet enough!
I rinsed them both several times! Just to make sure I got it all out.
Then it was time to block!
To you knitters, is this the way you do it?
Can not wait till they`re dry and I can remove all the pins :)
All the best hk and thank you for stopping by..
Flink pike:))
SvarSlettSjalene er kjempefine og du gjør alt så riktig så ....
Lekre sjal :-)
SvarSlettOh dear, should I be blocking my knitting? I've never done it but perhaps it would look better if I did! Your shawls are beautiful.
SvarSlettJoda, sånn gjør jeg også..eller bruke blokkewirer.
Flotte farger på sjalene, og blokkingen ser helt riktig ut :)
SvarSlettJeg brukte tynt sokkegarn til oppskriften, sånt som passer til p 2,5. Ca 420 m på et 100-gramsnøste. 4-tråders tror jeg det heter på norsk...
these are so beautiful - so delicate!
SvarSlettessie x