I`m bringing lots of tests cloths or sandwiches (fabric+wadding+fabric). Last time I brought my cousin and we made bags and purse of the clots afterwords. I`m very pleased with that, and I`m thinking about doing something like that again....
These are waiting for a rainy day, leftovers from last time...
The big piece are going to be a bag and the small one, a purse.
I made this from the test cloth last time. Both bag and purse.
I sewed the bottom like Anne Pia Godske Rasmussen showed us (Danish designer).
And a small one for bits and bobs! Belive or not! It`s not done yet....
I`m adding this one to opam...
I have a lot of plans summing in my head, but I know one thing I`m going to be prepared and I`m going to sew, sew, sew......
Yes, I am! (got a babysitter :o) ....).
Hei, det ser ut som om du er godt forbredt til i kveld. Jeg trodde også jeg skulle dit i kveld, men Berit har to klasser. En neste torsdag og, og heldigvis så ringte jeg nedover til Siw i går og hun fortalte at vi var påmeldt den 18. Ville ha vært skikkelig kjedelig med en bomtur i kveld. Du får ha en fin kurskveld:) Mona