8. februar 2010

New focus this week

Now with JI is done I have found another quilt I`m almost done with. It needs some hand quilting at the top and bottom, then the binding. I have been looking for the binding fabric, but can`t find it. I guess I need to do some decluttering in my sewing room!

In Norwegian it`s name is Festfin Frøken, in English it will sound something like: Dressed to party Miss! I would call it Beautiful Miss. It is designed by Rie Norum.  I really LOVE this pattern, and the book. The authors is Rie Norum and Hilde Krog, the book is called Quiltegleder (Joy of quilting).

Well I said that I love this one, but I also dislike it! but then again I love it...... You see, I have used two of my favorite fabrics, a tender Japanese blue and a rusty orange. But if I could do it again I would change several of the fabric choices I made.....  I also have the original lace, but I`m saving it for a second attempt! So I`m using a smaller one instead, I think my table runner needs it! I stopt quilting when I finally discovered that my rust fabric kind of took over the whole show..... and nobody told me!!!! It would be nice with a hint........ :o)

But I AM going to finish it because I love it.......

I learned a new technique, sewing the circle frames, I did it by hand. Later I took a class with Rie and learned to do it by machine as well. You can see there is a lot of hand quilting done....
Later I was told that the pattern in the back of the book was only about 90% large... not 100%..
But I still managed to quilt in the circles... I made the plastic stencil for the cable myself, cutting and all!
The thin lace I have chosen...
Makeing the quiltinglines...
Ready to quilt....


1 kommentar:

  1. Er det det rustrøde stoffet du skal ha til kant? tror det kan binde sammen hele greia.
